Madhu set up the Saheli Women in 2015, an ethical fashion social enterprise which joins together a community of tailors, embroiderers and pattern cutters to produce bespoke garments. Breaking down each job as it comes in to the necessary departments, this group of ladies make and send clothing collections to international fashion houses all over the world. The quality is very high, professional and within the short few years we have known them the expansion of the workshop is great.
Bikamhor in Jodhpur holds a woman’s initiative run and set up by the inspirational Madhu Vaishnav called IPHD. Madhu bought her philanthropic skills and ambitions to the village to improve the lives of the women and children who live there. The group functions from the blue workshop building and the excitement and passion is tangible and contagious as you walk in - everybody who is involved in the initiative is proud and excited to be there. We are proud to partner and support them.
Hand embroidery is a traditional skill that is passed down through the generations in rural Indian villages, and one that is sadly diminishing along with the demand. Producing both traditional and bespoke designs, we’d love to hear from you with any thoughts and ideas.
Kantha quilts are made from recycled sari's, layered up and stitched together to create blankets, scarves and sheets of fabrics. It's recycling at it's very best. No two pieces are the same.