The lunar quilt is inspired by our love of the night sky - a big moon on the front with a polka dot starry sky on the back.
100cm x 100cm square it is a lovely size for a cot quilt or a play mat for the floor. Made from 100% organic cotton, soft cotton outer with organic cotton padding on the inside.
The pattern is stamped onto the fabric using the traditional dabu printing process. Dabu is an age old printing technique, passed down through generations of printers and is a mud resist process.
Firstly the fabric is printed in mud using a wooden printing block, the mud is used as an ink pad. It is then sprinkled with sawdust to dry in the hot Indian sun and then dipped in the natural Indigo to achieve the colour. Indigo is one of the oldest known colours of the ancient world and is derived from the indigo plant. 100% natural and organic and is actually released back into the farmland once the process has completed.